Friday, January 9, 2009

Espadrilles - yes, no or maybe so?


Can I wear espadrilles with jeans and a polo shirt, or are the shoes too spring/summer and the shirt too polo-shirty?

The Original Chuck, sells tools and grout and stuff:

Yes, I guess, but only if you want to be a fashion trendsetter.

Ooh, it burns!

What do you do when you have a serious (or not so serious) burning question and you need a simple, unbiased answer? Go find a guy - a manly man - who works in a warehouse, or fixes flanges, or knows how to operate whatever a combine is and ask him!

Go Ask Chuck is what you get when a manly man answers my girly girl questions.

Got a question you need answered? Email me and I'll get you a fresh manly answer of your own!